Supportive, evidence based and family centered care through pregnancy, birth and postpartum.
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Why Choose Midwifery Care?
Midwives in Alberta are independent practitioners who provide holistic client-centered care throughout pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period. We provide relationship-based care to support both the individual and their family’s needs and values. Midwives are highly skilled in supporting normal healthy pregnancies and prioritize informed decision-making and evidence-based practice. Midwives globally are consistently found to have lower rates of intervention such as induction, epidurals, vacuum or forcep deliveries, and cesarean section rates.
Meet the Midwives
Prior to becoming a Midwife I worked for 11 years as an RN in a variety of settings, primarily in a small rural hospital supporting women was where my love for maternity care developed.
My passion for birth led me to connect with local midwives who were working tirelessly to improve access to informed and supportive maternity care.
Seeing a different model of care than in the medical system was inspiring and I quickly felt a strong calling to Midwifery. I began my journey at Frontier Nursing University, where I completed my Masters Degree in nursing and certified as a Nurse-Midwife. I then returned to Alberta to support the growth of rural midwifery.
My husband and I have 2 children and every day I am grateful to be encouraged by my family to follow my calling.
I was raised in the prairies of Alberta and started my journey into the birthing community as a doula in 2004.
I graduated from Laurentian University's midwifery program in 2010, and since then my career has been divided between Alberta and Africa. I worked in Edmonton for 5 years, and have spent 5 years working in hospitals in rural Tanzania. I value the experience of working in both settings as it allows me to appreciate the experience of birthing and the role of a midwife with a wider lens.
I am a certified lactation consultant, and really enjoy helping families find the feeding solutions that work for them. I also love making soap, growing fresh food, travel, and spending time with family.
I am so pleased to be back in Alberta, working side by side with prairie families! “